Re+Ops Tools Census Sandbox

Synthesizing & Analyzing


Transcription is the process in which speech or audio is converted into a written document. Closed captions are time-coded to the video, while a transcript is just the text with no time information.

Source: Jaclyn Leduc, “What is Transcription?”

  • Dovetail - 14.63% of question respondents
  • Zoom - 5.85%
  • Condens - 5.85%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Text tagging

Tagging allows you to structure your data by themes, make it searchable, and better collaborate with your colleagues during the research process.

Source: TestingTime, “Use tagging to enrich your research”

  • Dovetail - 15.6% of question respondents
  • Condens - 6.82%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Note taking

User research note taking is the process of recording information while conducting user research studies such as customer interviews, usability tests, stakeholder interviews, ethnographic studies, contextual inquiries, etc.

Source: UX Planet, “A step-by-step guide to user research note taking”

  • Google Docs - 10.73% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Word - 8.29%
  • Dovetail - 6.34%
  • Miro - 5.85%
  • Google Sheets - 5.36%
  • Condens - 5.36%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Session recording

Session recording is giving you the ability to view a reproduction of a user’s interaction with a website or web application. The playback itself looks just as if you were replaying a video. Session replay portrays everything exactly like the user was seeing and experiencing it.

Source: UXTweak, “Basics of Session Recording”

  • Zoom - 20.97% of question respondents
  • Microsoft Teams - 9.26%
  • UserTesting - 7.8%
  • Google Meet - 5.85%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.

Video editing

Video clips of participants facing problems and expressing their opinions are far more impactful and interesting than a researcher’s simply presenting findings.

Source: Jim Ross, “Creating Better UX Research Videos”

  • iMovie - 8.29% of question respondents
  • Dovetail - 6.82%
  • UserTesting - 5.36%
Data below 5% are not shown. 100% of participants answered this question.